energyscience - a publication of The EnergyScience Coalition

The Energy Debate

With the increasingly evident reality of global climate change, there is an imperative to change the ways in which we create and use energy, in all its different forms and applications. Many human activities have an impact on our planet's biosphere. The majority view of scientists around the world is that greenhouse gas emissions have to be brought under control. With atmospheric carbon dioxide at the highest level ever, we need to take urgent action.

The former Howard Government proposed nuclear power as a solution to global warming and proponents, including the current Opposition parties continue to advance that proposition. The Briefing Papers available on this website discuss key issues in the debate around the suitability of nuclear power for Australia's electricity needs, and the problems that surround this technology.


Latest Briefing Papers

The Historically, the Briefing Papers were designed for a quick but accurate analysis of issues raised by nuclear energy and alternative energy strategies and are designed so they may easily be downloaded for printing on any computer printer, or reading on a tablet or computer screen.

Recently, in 2025, the EnergyScience Coalition re-assembled in order to provide some further input into the emerging proposals for the introduction of Nuclear Energy technologies in Australia. These new Briefing Papers are listed below under the "2025" heading.

energyscience Briefing Papers

Go to Briefing Papers to see and download.

About is provided as a public service by The EnergyScience Coalition, an independent non-governmental organisation established as a collaboration of concerned scientists, engineers and policy experts to present information to people on the issue of sustainable energy. combines rigorous research from leading academics and other experts to promote informed public debate and to foster dialogue between policy makers and their critics

Creative Commons License
The content at is produced by The EnergyScience Coalition and is licensed for use by others under the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.